The Summit Host Hangout Podcast

Hundreds of episodes filled with real stories, real strategies, and real numbers to help you make your virtual summit (and the launch that follows) as streamlined and profitable as possible.
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Choose A Profitable Virtual Summit Topic


Choose the right virtual summit topic to increase your profitability and strengthen the results you get your attendees. Here’s how!

We already talked about determining the right virtual summit audience to create a virtual summit for. Now, it's time to take that audience and craft a profitable summit topic just for them.

Your virtual summit topic is just as important as the audience. For example, if you're a wedding planner, would you rather attend a summit about "growing your business" or "booking out your...

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How To Give Back Through Your Virtual Summit

A virtual summit is a powerful way to grow your own business. There's opportunity to make a good amount of money, it's a great way to build your email list, and it's an effective way to increase your reach and gain new client leads.

But you may not have realized that it's also an opportunity for helping other people. And everything we do in our business is more worthwhile if there's also a...

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